Sunday, June 13, 2010

Return of the Blog

Long time no update! Here's a nutshell: my teaching tenure is done, and since then lots has happened in my 2 wheeled world. (whirled). After lots of trying way too hard, I finally unloaded my 996. In a funny twist of fate I also ended up selling my XR200 to one of my former students, and, on the same day no less, picked up an XR500. There are but five letters to describe this bike; here's a puzzle: t b s a e . Give up? It's a BEAST! What a wheelie machine. It's not without its faults, however. It will probably require a new transmission, and I have already had the carbs off more times than I care to recall for some jerry rigging.

Guess what? I got a 999. I am annoyed with my 675(see earlier posts). It's turned into a gigantic wiring and electrical nightmare that I decided if I'm to ever get on the road on a sport bike this summer, I'll have to buy one that works. So I did what I always do: buy one that's close to working and spend thousands less on it :D

Perhaps more details when there's not a bunch of bikes needing wrenching in the garage!